Saturday, 14 April 2012


Soooo, I'm pretty bad at thinking for post ideas it would seem :D Yeah, so today I will talk about cool ideas for tattoos. :3

(Most of these things are from Fullmetal Alchemist, so don't tell Gabi O:)

I always thought Kimblee's transumation circles would look cool on someones palms xD

Mustangs transmutations circle for the back of the right hand.

And the Ouroboros symbol for the left :3

 And finally the soul transmutation circle like Al has on the inside of his armour, but it would be on the back of my neck xDD

Welllllllllllllllll, that's all I really have to say D: (I'm not very interesting ;___;)
Have a nice day anyone who will read this xDD (and dont be mad Gabi xDD)


  1. Fullmetal Alchemist? REALLY BITCH?? ¬¬
    I am very mad u.u

    If you are thinking to do this tatoo, I will do a tatoo with Sasuke and Itachi ♥
    What do you think about it, baby? *-*

    1. Are you calling me a bitch? O: this is very mean ;___;
      If you get a tattoo with Sasuke and Itachi I think it would look VERY stupid xDD and you will never see me again ¬¬

    2. Yes u.u
      First: you never saw me, silly xDDD
      Second: My tattoo will be more beautiful than yours...
      And third it is okay for me, I will go to japan and find a sasuke and a Itachi for me, don't worry :D

    3. Theeen, I will never see you, ever ¬¬
      Aaand no it wont, it will be SO ugly and no-one will like it and then you will have no friends... :3
      I think it will be hard to find them, because they ARENT real (crushes your dreams) ♥

  2. Sorry Dan, I have more friends than you, and they love me ^^

    And they are real:


    1. Okay, now I will cry ;___; are you saying none of my friends love me? D:
      And you do know these pictures arent actually them, yes? BECAUSE THEYRE NOT REAL!

  3. Go to cry, you only know to do this right -.-
    Yes, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss, yes, they don't love yooou!!

    Yes they are real Dan, Stop to be jealous^^

    Byeeeee byeee ♥

    1. Fine, okaaaay, I will go forever now! You're not allowed to talk to me ever again ^O^
      Adeus ♥
