Sunday, 8 April 2012

Hey everyone...

Since I now have this blog, I might as well make a few posts ^0^
So I think I'll tell you about my day :3 Not much happened, I dont live a very productive life ;__; but today for the first time I bought some manga! :D (and I also spoke to the lovely Gabi which made me sooooooooooooo happy ^^)
I absolutely LOOOOVE Fullmetal Alchemist, its my favourite manga eveeeer ( but I've never watched the anime O: )

I dont really know what else to say, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I guess I shall end this post.
Goodbye :3=


  1. It was a good day, you bought a Mangá and nothing more ahusaushhaushuahusahu
    I am joking baby ^^

    I hate Fullmetal xDDD

    Bye :P

  2. MOOOOOOOOOOOOM I am in this post xDD

    Ooh soo cute *O*

    "Not much happened, I dont live a very productive life ;__;" → It is obvious, because you only stay in MSN talking with me xDD


    I hate Fullmetal xDDD

    Bye :P

    1. I like my life that consists of talking to you all day ^O^
